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Supplier Ethics Standard

To all suppliers,

As an effort in line with our commitment to our operation principle of integrity and compliance with the behavioral principles established Responsible Business Alliance.(RBA, http://www.responsiblebusiness.org/), as well as establishing long-term, harmonic, and stable business relations with all suppliers, we have provided description about our business ethics standard for our management team and colleagues as follow:

  1. Management team and colleagues working for our Company may not engage in any illegal business act and shall observe the principle of avoiding conflict of interests; commission, kick-back, or interests in any forms apparently not appropriate offered privately are strictly prohibited.

  2. Our Company explicitly requests your company to demand your employee to observe the same business ethics practices that our Company applies among our management team and colleagues when engaging in business with our management team and colleagues, and never offer inappropriate commission, kick-back, or interest in other forms to our management team and colleagues or their friends or relatives or agents through themselves or a third party. Upon learning deviation from the abovementioned business ethic standard by your company's employee in an attempt to establish or maintain business relations with our Company's management team or colleagues to the extent that damage in inflicted onto our Company, our Company shall have the right to terminate or cancel any and all contracts and/or orders that our Company has entered into or placed with your company on the ground of significant breach, followed by demand of damage indemnity of an amount three times of the said contracts and/or orders, and deduct the said amount in full from the payment payable to your company.

Should send your question, if any, regarding to the abovementioned business ethics to lawsuit119@psi.com.tw

Suggestion box :set up on lobby(near 105 meeting room)、in the male and female toilets on the third floor of Area A



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