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Mission or Vision of the Corporate Social Responsibility

In accordance with 「Promise .Sustainable .Innovation 」, Psi fulfills our corporate social responsibility for sustainable business development. We advance in five main areas which are corporate governance, environmental protection, supply chain management, friendly workplace and social participation. We will protect the environment and give back to society with integrity, inherit corporate culture and contribute innovation technology value to industry.

Vision and Commitment
Fulfilling the social responsibility and adhering to sustainable development are the most important goals of the Company. The Company's vision and commitments are set out as follows:

  1. Maintain good corporate governance and strictly abide by business ethics.
  2. Organizational management and operations shall comply with government and international regulations and continue to pursue improvement.
  3. Comply with the RBA Code of Conduct and fulfill the social responsibility.
  4. Provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment, so that they can give full play to their abilities and receive reasonable remuneration and benefits; promote environmental protection activities and social welfare activities.
  5. Educate employees, so that they can understand and support the company's corporate social responsibility.
  6. The company will communicate the corporate social responsibility with our customers, suppliers and partners, learn from each other and pursue improvement.



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