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2021-2022 Annual Plan and Achievements

Environment Stewardship

Strategy Plan Achievements
Energy saving Replacement of high energy consumption and integration of lighting equipment and energy-saving equipment. The electricity consumption per unit product has decreased by 11.2% compared with 2021.
Greenhouse gas emissions Replacement of fluorine-containing gases, adjustment of process parameters. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions per unit product by 4.3% compared with 2021.
Reduce the use intensity of water resources Improve manufacturing efficiency, reduce tap water consumption, and reduce water dependence. The amount of tap water per unit of product reduced by 20% compared with 2021.
Optimizing wastewater treatment Introducing new technologies for wastewater treatment. Wastewater discharge per unit of product will be reduced by 9.3% compared with 2021.
Improve the resource reuse rate Increase the waste reuse rate. Reduce waste per unit of product by 18% compared to 2021.
Social Prosperity

Strategy Plan Achievements
Diversity and Inclusion Recruit more diverse manpower and listen to diverse voices.
  • Employed 12 Vietnamese migrant workers.
  • Promote HRBP, with 107 interviews.
  • Monthly letter from president since October 2022.
Talent selection and development Enhance corporate image to attract job seekers, assist new recruits to integrate into Psi, and provide diverse team building activities.
  • Psi's official Line/FB platform recruitment, reaching more than 1,000 people.
  • Hold a symposium for new employees, with a satisfaction rate of 85 points.
  • Held Team Building, a total of 53 supervisors participated, and the activity satisfaction was 95 points.
  • The supervisor challenged the peak of Hehuan Mountain at 3,422 meters.
Social Care Meet customized public welfare needs, promote local agricultural.
  • Huashan Social Welfare Foundation- Donate 74 New Year's dishes, donate 100 boxes of Mid-Autumn Festival gift boxes and 15,000 pieces of Psi exclusive masks.
  • A-chang shelter workshop- Subscribe to 95 boxes of public welfare toilet paper.
  • Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (Hsinchu)- Donate living materials.
  • Genesis Social Welfare Foundation- Donation Invoice.
  • Subscription of Wendan grapefruit in Emei Township, 44 boxes in total.
  • Environmental cleaning work in Hsinchu Nanliao Environmental Protection Park.
Happy Enterprises Promote employees and their families' sense of identity with the company, promote comprehensive health protection, and promote health knowledge.
  • Psi Anniversary Series / Family Day with 386 participants
  • Increase meal subsidies for employees, provide diversified and healthy meals.
  • Added employee benefits-department banquet.
  • Promoting Flexible Working Hours - Flexible Work/Lunch Breaks
  • During the epidemic period, foreign labor care supplies for 2 months and company-wide care afternoon tea for four weeks
  • Provide Psi exclusive masks for employees and their families.
  • 87 bags of blood donation (↑70% compared with the previous year)
  • Provide doctor consultation service every month, a total of 57 people.
  • Hold 2 health lectures.
  • Health check for all employees.
Industry-Academia Collaboration Bridge theory-practice gap, boost student hands-on experience.
  • 46 Internship Participants, with a retention rate of 37% at the end of term in 2022.
Social Citizenship Changing mindset to improve employees’ thinking ability and behavior model by join social organization.
  • 2022 Excellent manufacturer award by Hsinchu City Industrial Association
Corporate Governance

Strategy Plan Achievements
Strengthen Corporate Governance Improve the effectiveness of corporate governance
  • 2021 Corporate governance assessment results for the top 21-35% of all listed companies.
Strengthen the operation of the Audit Committee's financial monitoring function The financial statements for each period have been approved by the Audit Committee
  • The financial statements for each period from FY2022 have been approved by the Audit Committee.
Increase the information disclosure transparency Information Disclosure Bilingualism and Timeliness
  • Disclosure of financial statements in English from 2022.
  • Annual report uploading - from 7 days prior to the meeting to 16 days prior to the meeting.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations Establishing a culture of integrity in company operations
  • The Company held 6 training courses related to integrity management issues in FY2022, and 816 attendees passed the test.
  • All suppliers underwent integrity record evaluations and signed contracts that included integrity clauses.
  • No complaints were received in 2022 and no ethical violations were reported.
Intellectual Property Management Enhancing the Intellectual Property Management System
  • As of October 25, 2022, there are 176 IPs (41 patents and 135 trade secrets), and the data is updated on a semi-annual basis.
  • In 2022, we will organize 6 sessions to promote the basic concept of intellectual property rights.
Information Security Implementation Establishing a comprehensive information security management system
  • Enhanced and revised information security regulations and systems.
  • Monthly information security meetings were held to review related policies and regulations.
  • Monthly information security audits were conducted.
  • Eight major items in the information security performance indicators were achieved.



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